So this morning they ladies over at MckMama Without Pity are complaining over her food choices. I mean that is boring. They complain MckDaddy is boring, but who cares what she eats or what food she blogs about. Who cares if she blogs about organic cooking, but does not always follow that. That does NOT make her liar, but a human being who craves different things.
GOOD FOR YOU McK Mama eating what you want! If you crave a BIG fat pizza I hope you get yourself one. AND take pictures of yourself eating doritos, that WILL REALLY make the ladies over at the "other" blog go crazy. It would be funny really. It is funny they get there panties so in a wad over what you eat.
MckMama you are pregnant. Eat what you want. When you want. How much you want. And enjoy it! Thank you for all the wonderful recipes you have posted. I have enjoyed several! Your recipes ROCK! And I hope you have a wonderful day!
New Beginnings
10 years ago
Good Morning Heidi
ReplyDeleteI don't care what she eats. I personally wouldn't put most of that stuff in my mouth - and I didn't when I was pregnant either, but I am not particularly rigid about always eating organic either, and pizza is one of our favourite foods! As far as I am concerned, people can eat what they like. A photo of Mckmama eating doritos doesn't even feature on a list of things that might make me crazy!
The issue I have, is that on her side bar she lists qualities that she rarely displays anymore. The healthy eating, cloth diapering Mckmama of days gone by, just needs to say - 'I used to be a cloth diapering, healthy eating, TV abandoning woman, but having 4 kids aged 5 and under, and another on the way, means that I just don't have the time, or even the energy, to live like that all the time. Maybe one day soon that will be me again, but in the meantime, don't mind me while I change Stellan's disposable diaper - I'm taking the kids to McDonalds for lunch then when I get home I am going to watch my favourite TV show/movie on the computer'.
Don't make out you are someone you are not. Just admit you are human. I very much doubt that your followers will stop following if they find out you are like them after all, and you may even win over some new followers.
As well as posting here on your 'joke blog' Heidi, I posted a similar comment on too, as I know you are a frequent visitor and commenter over there too :)
Thanks Tracee! Man I should have bet something really good with my husband on whether or not someone would post here. I would have totally scored! Oh well, lesson learned. I still find it amazing that people are so wrapped up into one person and have to tear every word apart.
ReplyDeletea bit off topic...but wanted to make sure you see this. yesterday when i shared mark driscoll's view of the scripture re: porn and it not being a sin if used in marriage, you told me i was WRONG (rather boldly).
ReplyDeletehere is the mark driscoll video, beware it is an adult themed video not for kids. it was actually about masturbation and includes pornography.
i may be WRONG in my views vs. God's views, i don't claim to even begin to know the issues better than God does. but what i shared from pastor mark driscoll was NOT WRONG.
i hate to be petty, but you proclaimed it so loudly and you are simply incorrect if you are talking about mark driscoll's interpretation. so i wanted to share. and for the record, as i stated yesterday, i do not care for porn-i don't like it. so am offering this as an indifferent (not personal) view. =)
Iseethrough, I watched several of his you tube videos yesterday and every single one of them says porn is wrong and that porn with your husband is wrong. So I guess he is lying? Would you like me to post these here so you can view them. I am just telling you what I watched. anyways.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you do like porn. Me neither!
no need to show other videos. he could possibly be contradicting himself. just wanted to show you what i had watched, so you'd know where i got that from.
ReplyDeleteand above, it's don't like porn, not do. LOL!
Thanks for helping to correct my grammer. I have been know to type to fast and not proof what I read. :) And I am still glad you DONT like it!